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WOW C64 Surround Sound SIDPlayer V1.1   [2013]

WOW C64 Surround Sound SIDPlayer V1.1 Released by :

Release Date :
2 December 2013

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

WOW 64 sidplay 2/w fp v1.1 surround sound

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... TheWizard
Music .... Anthony Lees
  Ben Daglish
  Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise, Oxyron
  Jonathan Dunn
  Martin Galway
  Rob Hubbard
  The Mercenary Cracker

SIDs used in this release :
Hotline Intro(/MUSICIANS/D/Deenen_Charles/Hotline_Intro.sid)
Ocean Loader 4(/MUSICIANS/D/Dunn_Jonathan/Ocean_Loader_4.sid)
The Last Ninja(/MUSICIANS/D/Daglish_Ben/Last_Ninja.sid)
Yie Ar Kung Fu II(/MUSICIANS/G/Galway_Martin/Yie_Ar_Kung_Fu_II.sid)

Download :

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User Comment
Submitted by Scarzix on 6 February 2014
BUG? Cant play tunes longer than 03:30 ??? every SID I load states its 03:30 and when I tried to play my own Electrosphere Part 1, which is approx 7 mins, its restarted in the middle of the tune?

User Comment
Submitted by Scarzix on 6 February 2014
Wondering, is there a way to remove a file from the playlist without clearing the whole playlist? Like a Remove/Delete hidden somewhere?
User Comment
Submitted by Jon on 15 December 2013

With the kind of specs this software demands, make it interface with my USB fleshlight or NO DOWNLOAD.
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 14 December 2013
Nice, V1.2 on the way? Also thanks to Fungus and The Wizard for the ammusing rag about.. Yeah, whatever..
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Submitted by 6R6 on 13 December 2013
So, what about mac os support ?
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 13 December 2013
(some) sanity has been restored. thanks for your cooperation :)
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Submitted by Jon on 13 December 2013
A 3ghz quad core PC run in admin mode is required for this SID player? Why?
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Submitted by Jammer on 13 December 2013
Stainless: Wizard keeps deleting his own posts thus all mine are kinda pointless now.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
truth stainless they must be as fucking bored as i am to even bother reply to someone they dont know on the internet lol

ive got an exuce im full of manflu lol whats theres , they must lead a fucking boring life if all they have to do is try n flame someone on a 'dark' site lol

its excuse init lol? or is that as in excuse me , english grammer is horrible even for us english sometimes well me most times , im actually quite intelligent i should realy portray that more often instead of confusing you all but fuckit its the internet lol.

had my first run in with one of the admins of here a few minutes ago , he took me saying he looked like harry potter quite well lol
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 12 December 2013
ok keep on ranting then ..
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
and before i forget, i said id post it in public if he didnt reply lol

@count fuckoff:

origional send.
Merry xmas . V1.1

WOW64_V1_1SURROUND_SIDPLAYER.zip << player you want this one..
residfp-wow.rar << sourcecode .

I will post release notes when i can .

^^ first post learn to read you fucking bellend lol

my reply ( i tried to hook him 3 (i think im losing my touch god damn lol) times and i failed lol he blocked me bless him )

> Fools day #1 !
>> WOW64_V1_1SURROUND_SIDPLAYER.zip << player you want this one..
>> residfp-wow.rar << sourcecode .
> a) How fucked up are you to not use the same naming conventions AND archivers on the two release files?
> b) there is nothing to automake included and your note has to be understood like: it is not complete, boohoo, my netshit so slow I can type the archive into the http post request and be quicker booowaahooo lol still i post shit doubled and quadroupled on single thread bwahahaha lol rotfl pee own pants.
> The exe cannot be easily verified dumbfuck lol
>> ^^ first post learn to read you fucking bellend lol
> Think again before pointing people with your dirty fingers towards the poo you made.

btw changing xmas to fools day either meens your a homosexual ( probably my guess ) or your too sad in real life to enjoy christmas lol top stuff .. respect
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
its actually him playing the notes twice mate on voice 0 and 1 hes using a hubbard trick also liosten to a bit of a thankyou hubbard later on in the tune.

possible i do listen to loud music ( well have had to in the past ) and im 41 ( come across as 4 on here but i dont give a fuck about that lol ).

and yes i know it still needs work as a player , like you said , your ears get bored ... thats the problem il take a longer break between fixes i think , that will probbaly solve it. i get too used to the fucking thing tbh then i want to change it lol
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2013
Apparently that reverb was only an impression caused by widened soundscape. I don't want to worry you but if you use phones on regular basis and worked as dj - my diagnosis is that ears don't hear exactly the same way as mine do. To be specific - you probably have worsened hearing cutoff. BTW how old are you? That also counts as after 30 people's hearing starts to run downhill. Those hi freqs in LN2 from the link don't allow me to enjoy the tune and thus it's still far from perfect. You hear that, right?
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
(dont take this the wrong way and truth you seem like ya trying to help so ) jammer thats actually playing raw , no reverb at all thats how that tune actually sounds mate lol

old technika mate kept these because theyre good bassy speakers ( at each side of my 48 inch monitor and im sat about i dunno arms length away from the screen ) , and sennheiser headphones ( i used to dj ) , i think you better go in the loft mate and drag out your c64 lol in mono it sounds bang on , and in stereo it sounds like he made it yesterday , only thing i can hear wrong with it is its lacking a bit of middle ground.

and like i said , and im not meaning this funny or critical or anything else , but find me that tune that sounds as good anywhere else. on any other player or even a real c64 that sounds as good.

its 2013 brug =)

to be honest all cleverness aside , thanks for telling me what ya thinks wrong with it but dont open a sentence with well ... it imediately dissapeals be honest and say , look you up your arse fool or something lol at least be honest no one cares what any of us think as long as eventually this sounds shit hot lol.
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2013
Well, no intent to burst your bubble but it's still tough to listen. The very beginning displays some reverb - that's fine. But bassline then kills with high frequencies in it's noise tick. The very surround effect is better. Close but no cigar - keep on tryin'. What speakers are you working with?
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
find me last ninja 2 suntune 2 that sounds as fucking WICKED as this lol and il eat my virtual hat.


this is straight from the player v1.2.

needs a bit of middle ground fixing but thats easy to do.

its a bit like playing mercinary with your ears , its trial and error.

oh and to hater 3 lol ( count to 1 ), ya might wanna check your maintainers.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
eventually this will sound as good as an abba tune lol
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
what i really need ( apart from a head doctor according to some of ya lol ) is a old purist sid lover and a new digital maniac , il use them 2 to test it on and find some kind of middle ground between them both and that should be it , il allways have a private version that sounds fucking brilliant but the public version will work for all 'ears'.
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
exactly jammer , il take that under concideration in future
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Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2013
I get it, m8. Ears are getting tired after listening to the stuff with constant characteristics. When you master audio it's advisable to switch projects and let ears enjoy accents on other tones. Normal thing.
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
i was sat listening to some sids today on the latest version , i was well impressed with me self lol it actually sounds 'good' now. sounds like the sids were made yesterday.

il probbaly get bored with the sound of it and fuck it up again lol but you lads keep me in line ok... =) tell me where i fuck up and il fix it lol
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
i just registerd on there actually to get some kind of grasp on this digital shite im doing right now and its helping me figure flir etc out , truth i didnt know jack shite about digitial processing , and im enjoying this figuring it out , learnt something new doing this crap and its entertaining when thee haters on here reply as well , good stuff ahaha.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
jammer i totally agree , v1.1 i got wrong totally lol , i lol because i knew it but when i was tweaking it , this is exactly what happend , i was testing other players and i noticed none of them hit the high notes a real c64 can on the same tune , so me being me i went over board and enhanced it way too much , its sorted in v1.2 , if i spend more than an hour doing it listening testing my ears get immune and want more .. and more .. i know it doesnt translate across the internet , but i think you can understand what im trying to say. i took a break from it and went back into it and i thought the same as you said , its fucking way off v1.1 it actually sounds horrible to me now. v1.2 corrects it all.
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2013
Toss the 1.2 then! ;) I use studio KRKs as the output - their characteristics isn't flat for sure but I trust them a lot ;)
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 December 2013
thewizard: care to explain how gcc is related to this source not being complete?
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
yeah i agree spyder , your right man , the first one sounded better the dos console version , but way too much reverb , listening back through some of the versions i think oh FUCK ME why did i release that shit lol , v1.2 is spot on , v1.3 will be the bollox more than likely and v1.4 .. holy batfuck lol wait n see. im getting entusiatic here now , well done haters lol ( i love haters btw all they do is make me push harder )
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
thats fair enough stainless were all different , go listen to mono without the unicorns lol , plenty of mono players
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 12 December 2013
surround and 3d fx are quite nice, but I agree with Jammer on the overall sound. way to much high frequencies and middle/bass sounds get lost somewhere.
btw.: works fine under wine/linux. no need for windows admin.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
this ones outdated i btw i noticed that myself there was no middle to the sound , at first i wanted good sound , and me being nieve to this digital sound processing bollox i wanted wider and wider stereo , i used to listen to oldskool and rave on vynil and it had wider sound than tapes so hence wider the better , i was naive i know , and totally agree , v1.2 sorts all that out , it really actually does sound 'fucking' terrific and thats me being totally honest it sounds amazing actually. and im gonna keep enhancing it untill it sounds as good as shit in the charts , why because i know i can do it. bit of a perfectionist ( she calles me a stubborn old bastard ) which is spot on lol
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 12 December 2013
I admire your self confidence but the player didnt impress me a whole lot.
I prefer the vanilla sid without any sparkling fx and unicorns and shit. But thats just me. That being said, i acknowledge the work that went into it. i tried something similar once some years ago and failed, so props for that.

And what jammer said (who was just microseconds faster than me with writing just about the same thing) :D
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2013
The idea is really interesting but I don't really dig the outcome. The sound is very 'tiny' with no middle whatsoever and razor-like high frequencies. The impression of 'listening with dirty ears' makes me feel really uncomfortable so at the moment I have to give up and stick with ordinary mono SidPlay. I don't know whether it's possible to make it sound different with surround algorithms but I wait for further iterations of your player. Keep goin'.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
all the guys doing by chirping up is ruining it for the whole lot of you lol this player is better than anything else. go test anything then listen to this ..

im not doing this for sympathy im doing it because i can.

i could be wasting my time making it even better , instead im sat typing shit to a moron , but i dont mind arguing with fucks i find it interesting to see what they type next lol
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
I wouldnt say its psycotic but its definitely funny.
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 12 December 2013
All this psychotic behaviour is not gaining you a whole lot of sympathy points here. just saying.
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
btw count to 1 contact nobody i dont give a fuckaroo about you making 'yourself' as maintainer on this shit its allready out of date.

thats the really good thing about being able to move with the times isnt it =)

btw you going to reply to those pm's or shall i post it in public lol?
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
Groepez/hitmen G..C..C


GOD! @ windows users lol
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 December 2013
try english?
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
Groepez gcc
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
@cant count to 1 ( count zero ) messing with releases to be a knob just shows how much of a KNOB! he really is lol hes marked the sourcecode as corrupt ( baby spitting dummy ? ) , its on sourceforge you bellend go mark it as corrupt on there lol =)
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 December 2013
so where does one get sourcecode that lets you actually compile the damn thing?
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
MrXaliasH thanks , and i know =) , its easy the best sounding sid player on the planet earth.. and its only in its early stages lol , god im good.
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 12 December 2013
Fixed the entry to reflect reality.
User Comment
Submitted by MrXaliasH on 12 December 2013
sounds really great. Well done!
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Submitted by Adam on 12 December 2013
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Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013

example output of v1.2

@count zero the source is under the first download dick head =)
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 12 December 2013
"suggest running it in administrator mode"

Without supplying the source you ask people to run one of your programs in admin mode? Why not get the bitcoin wallet and paypal data by asking politely?

"v1.2 is even more resource hungry than this" --- "it's by far superior sound and speed wise to v1.0 and v1.1"

You seem to have mental clashes all day. Would probably help to not hit the send button that often but rather think before shitting into the internet.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
suggest running it in compatability mode service pack 3 xp , i also suggest running it in administrator mode with afinity set to use all cores , it will not run very well on an old pc so don't try using it if you have anything less than a quad core with at least 3 ghz speed.

v1.2 is even more resource hungry than this, it is using 20% on average of all 4 cores with only 3 sids emulated , also note v1.2 can now emulate unlimited sid's and has much more fluidity to the sound, it's by far superior sound and speed wise to v1.0 and v1.1 but... if your pc is dated it will not perform well so dont bother downloading it..
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 12 December 2013
now with 'retro stereo' , lastninja 2 , subtune 2 , its bouncing about like a ping pong on steroids it works really well with all the tunes, does sound 'fucking' fantastic actually.

had a few minutes spare so i wrote an analogue filter to grab and distribute the stereo difference signals , you hear the riff on the tune mentioned , well youve never heard anything as decent as this playing right now.
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 8 December 2013
What Matt said!
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 6 December 2013
again, please finish this WOW C64 Surround Sound SIDPlayer instead of wasting energy on these useless replies (although I gotta admit it's been a funny ride so far lol).
Come on, like I said before; this looks promising and I'm still anxious to get to see this player properly functioning rather sooner than later!
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 6 December 2013
i didnt think youd of given in that easy you wannabe elite cuntoid :) , well once a fungus allways a fungus i suppose thats 1 elite cretin down , one blondie to go lol
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 6 December 2013
Stop sending me private messages, I don't care who you are. You can do nothing I give a fuck about either.

0 fucks to give, already told you. We all know you are nothing, were nothing and will continue to be nothing. Zero, nothing, zilch, squat, inconsequential.

You bring up facts, I start posting a few facts, and you quickly back step.

I have a large body of work from which to draw from, and that I need not to mention because it is already known. You, provide nothing except tell people to google some handle which could be yours, or could be someone else entirely.

You speak in broken English with bad sentence structure, while trying to convey some things which are difficult to discern and have no meaning or context relevant to any particular squabble at hand.

You are correct in calling groepaz and myself elite, as compared to you we certainly are. For we have contributed a great deal and still do contribute to the c64 in many ways. Not always visible to the public, but none-the-less it happens on a daily basis.

So far all I have seen is a bunch of lame attempts at trolling CSDB. Necroing thread, posting rude comments in others. Expect people to bow down to you for a simple tool which was coded in probably a few hours using a library completely coded by someone else.

Do you have any other useless, lame, retarded, non sense you wish to spew at the user of this forum? Please tell me you do not.

Why you continue to rant about it, is beyond me. Now let it go little lamer, and crawl back under the rock from whence thou came.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
good pic mate i use that one sometimes , but you gonna reply to this :

Message sent to: Fungus on 2013-12-06 00:56:17+01 - User notified: Yes - Message read: Yes
challenge me man get ya whole clan and ya mates clan in on it , il beat ya all i know i will. fuck me man i love this shit all it does is make me better thna i allready am. lolyou got no clue who i am or what i can do have ya lol

im not as good as i make out you know , you might win .... like fuck....

be a pleasure shitting on ya lol elite boy ahaha

no more pictures we battling in a compo ?

tell me when where time and whatever puter or year .. you chose, il win ..

dont pick on people if you dont know who they are ..infact dont pick on anybody , some people around here know a lot more shit than you do and me. its ment to be a good vibe , its turned to shit. grow up me included.

were done lol

User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
anyway you 2 elite as fuck people you and the other 'dude' i call him dude i dunno if hes a man or a women with that fucking hair cut , we doing this elite ( make my e penis even bigger than it is ) battle shit or you accept im better than ya both?

( i fucking love em to challenge me il shit on em both )

why cos i can lol
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
hmm yeah youve got some valid points there fungus , havent read what ya typed yet give me a minute lol

you really shouldnt be posting spakker pictures ya know that shits not cool even in 2013.

i dont mind it but some might not like it maan , id remove that shit just to be on the safe side upta you lol
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
PC games you mean? Starforce? That hasn't been used for years, or do you live in Russia? Punkbuster? Online anti-cheat? Seriously? I'm good at games and don't need to be a cheating bitch like you.

SafeDisc, SecuROM I cracked those in the past. Also plenty of customs, as well as wrappers like Themida, Armadillo (with secured sections), etc. Steam, I don't have the skills to code an emulator for it, and I'll freely admit it. You don't either, so don't even try and say you do.

This being a c-64 site, any challenge would of course be on c-64, not some other platform which has no relevance here.

But then again, you may "think" so.

User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
lol tbh fungus i liked the throing offel bit , that was funny. shitting on ya was easy man... if your gonna slag someone know the facts first... dont just guess.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
thats right i am very smart .. fuck off.

modern games arent protected .. you need a serious mug of shut the fuck up nub lol ... what's starforce anti copy protection do or punkbuster do then unprotect a game , whats sony do make it easy to copy and hack what does macrovision protection do or .. thats me done with this forskin he knows fuck all lol.

are you for real man? did you actually ever crack anything apart from one off over ya next door neighbors daughter lol
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
Well Mr smart guy, modern games are not protected are they? No they aren't, so having a cracking compo with one is kind of useless don't you think? Or do you think? Somehow I think that capacity is a little bit beyond your capabilities, at least going by what you've posted so far.

Little smarmy quips by a bloody pommy that has little to no education, let alone any experience in how the scene works or it's history.

Please continue, I always enjoyed watching the retards across the way, playing with their own feces and having a big grin on their face. It's like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys throw offal at each other. Always highly entertaining to say the least!
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
give it a rest fungus lol your fucking nobody ive just realised , i thought you were someone who matterd .. ya not, go play with ya marbles on the motorway lol
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Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
its 2013 fungus

btw your starting to look like a cnt now mate .. its 2013 and ya want a re-crack of a 25 year old game thats allready been cracked wtf are you for real or is your head fucking plastic lol

lol thats not a challenge its just wrong on every fucking level known to man
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
I have zero fucks to give.

I don't accept challenges from lamers, waste of time. Feel free to try and best one of my previous releases crack wise, since it's not possible for you, you can have fun trying though if you like.

User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
fuck you fungus :) and fuck him if he wants to be a bitch any mod with any clue wouldnt of posted he just wants to show off his button so fuck him if he wants to ban me let the cunt lol i wont give a fuck man , my problem is ywith you not him hes just a ear ache lol... and this retrobate bully elite prick rough ( yes him with the long blonde hair rough as a barbie fucking doll ) lol i knew you wouldnt challenge me , il own you mate in any code contest and in real life.
bully that.

the dolphin comment at the end though funy but you know il own ya lol its obvious. n now ya trying to evade the challenge lol typical ... you elite girls are only elite untill someone better comes along then ya shut the fuck up ...

im not here to start any shit but i get shit il reply and battle .. if you be nice il be the same , be this elite shit head crap and il be the same ... im good and i know i am .. behave mate. and il help ya if you need it , dont and il own ya in any contest. remember that fuck stick and we will get along , forget it and we wont get along.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
Rough is no friend of mine, dunno where you get that.

You couldn't crack a knuckle.

No releases from me anymore, I'M RETIRED.

Threatening mods is always smart, keep it up, I want to see the result of that.

Don't know who you are is right, because you are nobody, claiming to be someone in the scene with no resume to back it up. Keep trying, your fail gets larger with every barely intelligible post you make...

User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
anyway pictures aside right even though mines funnier , 2013 wheres your releases lol? .. looks left nope .... looks right ..... nope .. cant see em lol

it aint the 1988's now kids anymore ..

new daddy's on the block. wanna code / crack / hack / demo contest intro , post now , il even let you elites pick whatever what year and what computer and il OWN and win :) pretend to be elite and il beat ya ... be nice and il be nice.

no nice guy il show em talent if they really want to see it.

rough and fury .. challenge me lol all im waiting for now lol il piss on ya both.

you two chose whetever whenever and what date.. thats how sure i am that i know im better than both of ya put together wanna see elite .. you picked the wrong 'lamer' lol.

im only doing it because i can lol. not to impress you lot just to shovel these 2 fucks back into shut the fuck up mode lol il win watch this.

im the fucking daddy of code lol these 2 have no clue who i am.

when i come back i posted these 2 jumped on me in the forum like they had the right 2 reminded me of bullys ( nope i never ben bullied ) but i seen em , and these two fags .. well let em reply i bet they dont agree to it lol i hope they do though il wipe the floor with both of em i love elite people , love to shit on em.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
fungus you started picture mode seriously?

your clan / bullshit reminds me of this :)

you and rough aka blondie cuddle underneath it thats taking brotherly love into a whole new dimension lol ?

is that you under the tree or you in the farmhouse cracking one out blondie ?
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
@gro a pair .. ( bitch with a button lol ) fuck off i think your a bitch is more accurate. =D
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 5 December 2013
took the time to make this .. starting to wonder why i even posted it.

i think "attentionwhore" describes the situation accurately
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
took the time to make this .. starting to wonder why i even posted it.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
this bullshits starting to piss me off now , dunno why it seems to me like its some kind of whos got the biggest internet penis , wasnt like this in the early days , il only fuck whoever tries to fuck me and i allways win..

google me .. 'mrmedic'
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
just read a pm someone just sent ,
no quotes but they saying its turning ugly and i agree ..

there concerned about me being banned ..

well im gonna say it how i see it , if i get banned truthfully i wont care no fuck with a keyboard is talking shit to me while im trying to contribute and help .. they take it the wrong way .. fuck them and ten times over there fault for thinking im like them.. thats what i have to say about it.

if you admins dont like it then slap someone , i dont give a fuck who it is , if you slap me .. then fuck you its your loss :)

i aint bowing to anyone .. if they wanna try n pick on me then il pick on them.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
lol fungus the only respect youve got is from your 2 dicks that tag along with your bullshit .. wheres your 2013 releases? lol .. cant see any ... nub =)
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
I have edited nothing, and I don't care what other people think of me. Fuck You too lamer, go away.

Seems I pissed you off. Good, your a nothing and a never was.

I have earned the respect I have, and the disrespect I have too.

I have released over 500 things on both scenes, you've done one shitty intro and a sid player which isn't even all your own code. IMPRESSIVE.

P.S. you're lame.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
dnt worry matt :) il finish it either on here or somewhere else but i will finish it .. fuck haters i thrive on em lol youl one day get the best fucking sid player ever made ( thanks me ) .

no let me deal with fuckwit 2 lol

Fungus on 2013-12-05 20:17:07+01 - User notified: Yes - Message read: Yes
not interested fungus but to be honest , my 1988 wizball intro , shits on anything you made in 1988 imagine if i hadnt gone to amiga , how much i would of shat upon you lol im just saying like ... ahaha

just so your american attitude doesnt miss out :) lol .. please respond forth with. thanks

the wizard

no reply from mr elite number 2.
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 5 December 2013
dunno what you ladies are crying about and I frankly I don't care.
what I do care about is that I reckon that this sidplayer has a lot of potential thus I'm hoping you'll keep on working on it!
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
not interested fungus but to be honest , my 1988 wizball intro , shits on anything you made in 1988 imagine if i hadnt gone to amiga , how much i would of shat upon you lol im just saying like ... ahaha
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
btw ive told a bit of a fib actually about the reason this player started , it was actually for one of my hack engines , i remembered one day how small c64 music sids were , i thought .. oo that would be nice small tune massive great sound ( ta impress my customers ) so i found tiny sid .. shit .. no .. found fp nope shit wasnt happy with the sound , found some 2/w crashed every 12 seconds and didnt play stereo ,, nah shit .. so i can so make me own , anyway me wifes just walked in , il tell ya later lol

btw me wifes just said your smiling have you got a rgument going on the internet .. again lol
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
i thought it was gonna be a nostalgia over load when i found this place again , its really let me down , hope it gets better. i really do. 3 sad fucking PRICKS! its a real shame.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
seeing as blondies got me on ignore now LOL!!!

heres my reply to him
roughs ex handles :
Elvis Hitler <<< lol !!!!
The Demented << PROBLEMWTF!!!

i can imagine you 'cracking' one out to the rampage tune while we were all sat next to our girlfriend playing with thier tits .. allways liked blondes blondie lol.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 5 December 2013
doesnt editing those comments become a bit tiresome? *sigh*
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Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
you know what , theres 3 total dicks on here ruining it for i dunno how manys here , thousands probably , well i might be a fucker and not let em ruin it for you all lol , just to piss em off even more .. with their elite bollox lol i might make this player fucking amazing i can easy do it. and i think i will.

if i have to say bye by one with a button then il release it on somewhere else but im not gonna swallow shit off nobs .. never did never will , this will be the fucking dad of c64 emulator players eventually .. remember i said it here first.
youve annoyed me now fungus .. time to do what i type this shite will be the best player for a pc ever made..

right ian fire away with your mishaps lol everything anyone says is wrong with it will be fixed.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
oh and btw fungus , i was not trying to be clever on the forum .. i was trying to help .. your up your own arse attitude made you read it differently than it was sent .. that aint my problem .. its yours.
lol hes from us that explains it.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
fungus fuck you and your attitude.

theres my attitude twards your attitude its 2013 not 1988.

the fuck are you to talk down to me lol?.. no fucking body. n btw wheres your player? ( mr fucking elite prick )

ahh hes edited his post he dont wanna look like hes upset infront of his 'freinds' lol

mines staying here not gonna edit anymore this rubbish will be here for people to read. show ya what these clowns have turned into lol edit away fungus .. fuck you very much :)

this is the thanks i get for trying to make something for the guys without a c64 ..

just re-read this and im not happy with it but its staying.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013

does this fucking idiot zip up the back? lol
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 5 December 2013
Coming here with your flippant attitude and acting like you are god of the scene and somehow super elite. Not to mention Necroing a thread and pasting bullshit about a subject you have no clue about, then bragging about how you are such an amazing PC scener doesn't have anything to do with how you are responded to or anything. If you act in such a manner you WILL be treated that way, check yourself and don't blame others responses to such an attitude.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
@Conrad , im too nice mate i know i am , should let rip and say im not peticularly happy at how the old c64 scene has eventually turned out theres a shit load of ungratefull bastards amongst these , some are fine but the majority are too worried about mortgages and bills etc and its showing in the way they type stuck in the old days fuck new commers .. elitest wankers tbh, its actually ticked me off , i thought this player would be apreaciated for the time n fucking effort i put into it when i didnt have to , and the comments i get on that forum have honestly astounded me , today i even conciderd deleteing my account , some total fucking pricks !! use this place , its nothing like it was back in the days .. im ashamed to be associated with some of them now , just because we all had a c64. some people on this place have made me not want to be apart of it. so hence , this project is officially sunk.

take care cya.
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 5 December 2013
Wizard, why do you keep editing your comment? Don't be ashamed that you called people nob-heads, then saying you made this to kill time, followed by spaghetti & meatballs. It's your opinion and just let it out! No one's bothered.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
visuals annoying? i think your just being picky now ian ..

try this remove defaultplaylist
WOW64.exe G:\C64Music\MUSICIANS\D\Devilock\4_Count_Zero.sid

any problems with it the source code is ^ attached fix it?
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 5 December 2013
no, they are not in... also, I have read, or at least tried to understand, your incorrect slangish readme and didn't helped much. That's why I asked you to at least write in english, not some slang.
"big/tiny enlarges the player so you can do more things."
there is no such thing, removed from previous version?
"( some reported a crash on start this is due to the path where its located either unpack to c: or run in Windows xp service pack 3 compatability mode its something to do with where the files located and path length il fix it when i can )"
No way I will ever run programs in "compatability" (sic), they have to work. Anything else it's only buggy shit I don't need.
"or launch from a command line prompt"
it doesn't work
WOW64.exe C:\sid\HVSC\MUSICIANS\D\Devilock\4_Count_Zero.sid
doesn't play the file passed as parameter.
Ok Wasted enough time on this. =)
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
@iLLke i know i think so too.
User Comment
Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
@Dr.j .. credits jack tramiel
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Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
@iancoog , all the 'stuff' you are asking for is allready in it .. if you had taken the time to read through the read me you would know why you are crashing its explained near the end...and to open a sid from anywhere right click a sid open with .. wow64..or launch from a command line prompt ..


btw this will be the last update for a while i have lost interest in it to be honest,ive got 2 real c64's , il update it if and when i can be bothered but dont hold your breath ( youl be turning blue lol ).
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 5 December 2013
- no need to redistribute Songlengths.txt, it's already in HVSC. Use a path setting in ini to know where HVSC is.
- Removed the playlist and the example sid dir (they are from HVSC too) and player starts to crash doing anything: pressing "+" or changing sid filter, even closing it. Windows says the program has stopped working and only lets you close it.
- Make those windows "animations" optional please, they only annoy me. Also having all the window fully enlarged at start is better, maybe save the windows state/position on close (optional)
- Writing like an illiterate brat doesn't make you appear cool, the other way. Try to write in correct english at least inside the program and documentation files
- Only drag and drop is a nono for me. Add the ability to call the player passing the path/filename to play from commandline, thanks
At least one bug was fixed: this version doesn't close the cmdline window where it's called from.
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Submitted by Dr.j on 5 December 2013
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Submitted by iLKke on 5 December 2013
Finest BBS Graphics yet!
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Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
Merry xmas . V1.1

WOW64_V1_1SURROUND_SIDPLAYER.zip << player you want this one..
residfp-wow.rar << sourcecode .

I will post release notes when i can .
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